The Top Five Technology Stories of the Year
This is a story about the future of technology, Technology Stories and it centers on augmented and virtual reality. Both have become increasingly commonplace over the past few years, but they’ve also begun to have their own share of friction with regard to adoption. The main question now is: where will this technology bring us? We’ll address these issues in five key themes that are driving technology growth in 2018: 5 Technology Trends That Will Change Everything When They Start Becoming a Reality
The Internet of Things (IoT)
In a world of communicating and collaborating, a single device can team up with other devices to accomplish a wide range of tasks. The Internet of Things is a term that describes these modern-day devices, which include connected home appliances, robots, and even the major appliances in a home’s kitchen—the refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher. We’re now living in an era of increasingly computer-generated everyday activities, from car navigation to making food on the move. These devices can be used to make calls, text, and perform other usual tasks, but when they’re combined, they become even more potent.
Read More: The Top Five Technology History Table
Virtual and Augmented Reality (AR)
Once the primary way humans experience the world, AR is getting more attention these days. In the early 2000s, only a handful of consumer technologies were focused on AR, but today there are dozens of different technologies that are exploring not only the potential of AR but also other visual and vocal technologies that could be used to bring it to life. These days, you can find a majority of high-end VR and AR products aimed at creating a full-blown AR experience.
AI and Robotics
Since the Internet of Things is nothing but a synaptic update of standard household devices, the term AI and robotics have become very well-deserved. AI is the term that’s been most heavily associated with self-perfecting robots and AI-powered products, while robotics refers to technology that’s been specifically designed to work with AI.
Mobile Technology
In the past few years, the smartphone has become more than just a way to communicate with other devices in our homes. It has become a key player in the overall virtual, augmented, and remote-ability (VA-R) landscape. With the advent of connected home appliances and other devices that can “talk” to one another, the smartphone has become more than just a means of communication. It’s become the ultimate remote-ability device.
IoT/VR Development
Construction workers who recently were granted permission to build the world’s first comprehensive VR and AR environment will have the perfect launchpad to bring their technology to life. One of the most promising uses of VR and AR technology today is in construction, Technology Stories where the technology can be used to remotely connect workers with the needed crew members. This technology has also found use in retail, where you can purchase virtual reality goggles that allow you to view a wide range of products, including fashion accessories, from a single perspective.
The Internet of Things is a great trend that will continue to change everything, but it’s also coming at a time when technology is at its most challenging. The future of technology will decide whether it is able to adapt to these newfangled devices and their capabilities, or whether it will remain stuck in a cycle of slow adoption and malfunction.