The Top Ten Technology Notes of the Year
The world of digital and social media has become a virtual wonderland this past year. Talk about lightning Technology Notes in a bottle! We’ve had unprecedented growth in the use of social media, including video and photo post-sales — and much of it for our own brand value as a company. There’s also been an unprecedented rise in the amount of data that is being stored by businesses on social media channels — something we continue to see improvement with every passing year. So many new opportunities have developed out of the simple sharing of an image, video, or site link that we have compiled a list of the top ten technology notes of the year. These are some of the most disruptive, innovative, and forward-thinking changes impacting technology today.
Content Marketing
The initial wave of content marketing was focused on helping brands and retailers learn more about their customers. With the release of smartphones and the Internet, consumers can now create and share content almost anywhere. The ability to create original videos and photos has become even more popular with social media users following the success of recent videos and photos from celebrities like Trump and Beyoncé. While there has been some debate about the merits of digital-first social media, there’s no question that the flood of new opportunities has created a great environment for content marketing. Content marketing that is focused on getting new leads or customers rather than retaining existing ones has seen rapid growth in the last few years.
Read More: The Top Five Technologyols In The World
AI & Big Data Analytics
While data and AI are certainly driving the transformation of digital advertising, big data is the driving force behind the transformation of the digital ad landscape. Humans are still the most significant source of data for online advertising and marketing. However, AI and big data have been slowly integrating with the basic technologies of the internet to create a more effective advertising platform.
History of Video and Photo Marketing
The most significant change in technology that has shaped the year is the adoption of video and photo marketing. From the launch of Facebook’s public video and a photo project in 2008 to today’s massive growth in videos on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media, there has been a visible shift away from traditional print and magazine ads to video and photo ads. This shift mirrors a shift away from traditional advertising to digital advertising, which is now mostly digital targeting and personalized ads.
How Digital transformation Works for You
The main advantage of digital transformation is that it allows brands and businesses to adapt to changing customers’ demands for products or services. A blockchain-based digital identity platform, for example, is used to manage the digital identity of all brands issuing digitally-enhanced credit cards. Digital transformation can also help businesses create better digital experiences for their customers, by creating better onboarding experiences for new customers, and more efficient digital inventory management.
The internet has been nothing but a source of revolution, from opening doors to world knowledge and ideas, from the discovery of new cultures and languages to the creation of new media. As technology advanced, Technology Notes so did its potential to disrupt and create new industries. Now it’s up to us as brands and businesses to use these new opportunities to their advantage. With the rise of social media and digital platforms, we’ve seen an incredible increase in the number of opportunities for brands and brands to create new content, brand awareness, and brand engagement online. In a social media-driven landscape, brands can instantly become part of a large community of followers, with thousands of potential customers who may be interested in their products or services but may not be able to meet the standards of the verified and owned brands on the platforms. New channels and platforms have opened up for brands to create digital experiences that connect the world through connections of trust.